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Club Month! How to Build Grit in Kids

Reading? Writing? Math? Nicole, what’s really the most important thing for my child or student to learn?   My answer?   None of the Above.…

3 Ways to Energize Your Teaching in Winter

Captain’s Log. Winter, Day 1,578,325. The crew is restless, complaining of too much work and too little sun. Energy levels are much higher than output…

Grading: 4 Reasons It Matters

“Celebrate what’s working. Correct what’s not.” –Anonymous Grading. UGH. Grading. It may be one of the most toilsome chores of teaching. I get it. Grading…

Math Facts: 5 Surefire Reasons Drill Team Works

Have you ever had that moment where it became crystal clear that there was a Big Thing you just HAD to do, as though your…

Math Facts: Why Memorization Matters

“The loftier the building, the deeper the foundation must be laid.” —Thomas a Kempis   Aren’t skyscrapers amazing? They tower over the skylines of amazing…

Five Simple Ways to Stay Focused Despite Holiday Distraction

A funny thing happens around this time of year. The twinkle lights, Christmas trees, and wreaths go up, and BOOM! Our motivation goes down.  …

Seven Great Ways to Teach Gratitude

Imagine the year 2040. Where do you see your child? Are they happy? Are they employed, making money? Do they have friends, a family? Are…

Gratitude: The One Sure Way to Make Life Better

“The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.” – Mary Davis   Hey there! How’s it going? It seems like gratitude is the…

3 Reasons to Practice Gratitude (The 2020 Gratitude Challenge is Here!)

On Gratitude: “When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” —Willie Nelson Hey there! How’s it going? I hope well, but it’s…

5 Reliable Ways to Help When Saxon Math is Hard

Why do I love Club Month? I love it because it’s a big chunk of time where I see so many kids who have said…

Reaffirming Your Child with These Two Saxon Math Rewards

“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”  –Vidal Sassoon Hey there! How’s it going? I hope you are getting all…

13 Simple, Sanity-Saving Homeschool Hacks

Hey there! How’s it going? If there was ever a year that we needed some hacks to get through, it’s gotta be this one. Whether…

3 Ways to Survive Homeschool Stress

Three Ways to Survive Homeschool Stress   So. September 2020. Here we are. Should we laugh or cry? I’d prefer to laugh but with the…

One Sure Way to Have a Great Math Year

“Success isn’t always about ‘Greatness’, it’s about consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success. Greatness will come.” –Dwayne Johnson   Are you craving something good right…

Coming Soon: More Site Features for Your Saxon Math Year!

Hey there! How’s it going? Here at Nicole the Math Lady HQ it’s been busy, busy, busy as I welcome new subscribers and adjust all…