saxon math challenges


The Saxon Math Challenge Your Kids Need Right Now.

Does your child shy away from the challenge of Saxon Math? Here’s why we need to help them face them head on, now more than ever. We’ll explore:

“I CAN’T!”

“This Saxon math is TOO HARD.”

“I’ll NEVER be able to do this!”

saxon math challenges

What Kids are REALLY Saying when They Complain about a Saxon Math Challenge

Does this sound familiar? I am almost certain it does.

For many parents and teachers, it’s a common refrain from our students whenever they hit a Saxon Math Challenge–anything that might be new and uncomfortable.

Outbursts of frustration over new and challenging situations are common among our kids (and, let’s be honest, probably in our own adult heads sometimes too).

And yet, from the outside, we see how discouraging it is for a child to have those negative feelings about their ability!

You and I both know that they have the potential to do a lot of things. Yet at a young age, they are often convinced otherwise.

My Solution to Motivating Students Through Various Saxon Math Challenges

The reactions above are exactly whey I started the 30-5 and the All-Right Clubs.

They’re my little way of increasing your child’s confidence AND ability in Saxon math. They reward for multiple levels: consistency, effort, natural ability, and perseverance all get a payoff here.

Here’s some straight talk: I know it may be hard sometimes to come up with the energy to encourage your kids to do hard things. But they need a challenge. Perhaps now, more than ever.

Lots of their traditional challenging situations were put on pause in 2020–and may be facing another pause now.

But working to get into one of these clubs–especially the 30-5 Club– is accessible for just about everyone. It can also provide many of the benefits they may have gotten elsewhere were it a different time, pre-Covid.

saxon math challenges

Why a Challenge (a Saxon math challenge or otherwise) Matters to Kids in the Long Run

Why does meeting and taking on challenges matter? Because every time a child does something new,  they are acquiring skills that matter. They make new decisions:

Which route to take?

What strategy will work?

Is the risk worth the payout?

When she climbs higher in the tree, she has to decide how best to get up there.

When he tries a new skill in baseball, he has to work his brain differently.

When she competes on a different level, she has to decide how best to push herself harder. New decisions, new skills equal growth. 

Or, put another way, by someone who really knows this stuff:

“…In a fixed mindset, kids are afraid to learn something new. They would rather do the same thing over and over and keep being successful, keep looking smart; or at least not dumb.

What we know now, by pushing yourself, you are constantly growing in ways you never anticipated and you fulfill your potential.

The most successful people were and are the people who push out of their comfort zone, growing their skills.” Carol Dweck, Ph.D. 

Little bits of growth add up. You don’t see your child physically growing, but each night of sleep produces a micro-bit of height that becomes inches and then feet, over time.

Likewise, each challenge that your child faces means a little bit of difference in them that will add up over time.

Saxon math itself offers that kind of small growth over time.

But intentionally deciding to take on the 30-5 Club or the All-Right Club challenge means your child takes ownership and control over it. And isn’t that what we want for them, ultimately?


I hope your kids are up for this Saxon Math Challenge this month! I’d love to make my LONGEST Wall of Fame videos ever AND have great families join me for Lunch with Nicole!

Here’s to getting out of the comfort zone and into new skills and better math understanding! And if you have questions about how to approach getting into the 30-5 Club, drop them in the comments! I’m always here to help you and your kid rise to the challenge!

Talk to you soon!

Nicole the Math Lady

P.S. You can find the info on how to submit your child for 30-5 Club Membership here, and All-Right Club Membership anytime, here.


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