Just a quick note-I hope this finds you well and feeling somewhat stable in this strange time. I want to encourage you to send any Club Member submissions you might have. I’m still recognizing your kids and really, we need all the celebrating we can get right now! So send ‘em if you got ‘em! 


The wiggles. You know what I’m talking about. The foot-jiggling, leg-wobbling, pencil-tapping wiggles that kids get right around the time you really need them to pay attention to something. They’re at an all-time high in my house right now as we try to finish out a school year that got majorly disrupted and changed. Dealing with high-energy kids is just one of the things I’ve had to learn fast, right alongside you.


Remember–I’ve been thrown in the same boat as lots of people in the last 8 weeks. What’s it called? Oh yeah. The S.S. CoronaTeacher. I, too, became a school-at-home parent overnight and it’s given me even more respect for both my long-term subscribers and the ones who have jumped on board as their own situations changed.


Last week we talked about four things I’ve learned while schooling at home, but kids are kids, so of course, there’s more! While I am working to embrace the opportunities in this crazy time, I am in the struggle too, y’all. For real.


You know I  love seeing kids learn new things. But my heart is really in helping them develop confidence in their very ability to learn. That’s how I’ve approached the last few weeks as I choose what to focus on. Since I love to share what I’m learning with you, here are four more things I’ve found to help my kids understand what they are truly capable of.

1.Physical Breaks. These can make (or break!) your day. It doesn’t have to be a full-on P.E. workout, but when your child gets the wiggles, deal with it. Not doing so adds to the frustration and who needs that right now? Kids really do have a ton of energy and it’s only fair to help them release some it. Even changing positions or walking to get a glass of water can help!


2. Don’t Do the Work for Them. I know, I know. This one is so tempting. But sometimes you just have to let them struggle through it. Sometimes they might need to walk away and come back later. There is value in the process, even if it a long one. (Just remember what I say about tears–if they’re crying, they aren’t learning!)


3. Give Options. That said, don’t be afraid to give them choices when they don’t know the right answer! Two options feel less overwhelming than a buffet of possible answers. “You’re on the right track” can help them move forward down a path they aren’t certain about. Little pieces of encouragement help my kids as they move toward learning a concept or working a problem.


4. Guide Them with Questions. “What happens if we do this?” “What do you think might go there?” “What would we get if we plugged in this number here?” Getting their brains trucking in the right direction is a great middle-ground between doing it for them and leaving them to their own devices.


I hope you’re getting your own wiggles out and that you are finding some things to enjoy about this very strange time. We are all learning a new normal together, and my wish is that each little tip or trick adds up to making this all a little easier for you.

Talk to you soon,

Nicole the Math Lady