Here’s what we recommend:
- First, watch all of the Nicole the Math Lady lesson video.
- Next, do a practice set. You have two options. 1) You can either do the Nicole the Math Lady practice problems video or 2) do the lesson practice set in your book. We recommend doing Nicole’s practice video and here’s why. Most people who do the problem set in the book will do all of the problems first and then grade them. If your child makes a mistake in the first problem, they have now pounded that mistake into their head several times. It’s hard to unlearn something that might have gone into your brain wrong. Instead, if they watch Nicole’s video, they will do a problem and then grade a problem. They will immediately catch if they made a mistake and be able to implement a change before doing the next problem. By doing it this way, you can always save the practice set in the book to use as extra practice problems. If you prefer to do the practice set in the book, we recommend having the online grading feature so your child can correct each problem and receive immediate feedback as they go. It’s best to have your student work their answers out in a spiral notebook. They can keep their work there and if they get something incorrect, you can see what they did.
- Last, do the mixed practice set in the book (the one with the 30 problems.) It’s a lot…we know…but the Saxon method recommends you do all 30 problems for the best results. However, we also know this can be too much for some students, so some people chose to do odds or evens problems instead.